Sunday, September 15, 2013

The Start of the Criminal Justice League

Throughout this week, I have been curious on how to start my criminal justice blog. I decided to just start with the basics and ask myself, "What is criminal justice?" I looked it up on Wikipedia and it said: criminal justice is a system of institutions of government directed at upholding social control, preventing/diminishing crime, and sanctioning those who violate laws with criminal penalties. After reading it, I thought it was a lot to take in. Basically, I interpreted it as: criminal justice is the study of how to stop crime and deal with people who violate the law. I am a junior in high school, and have been looking at this certain field of study quite extensively because I would like to pick a major by the time I go off to college. As a result, another question I wanted to answer was, “What are some good colleges that you can get a degree in criminal justice?” One college that caught my eye was University of Pennsylvania, which happened to be at the top of the list (probably because it’s an Ivy League school). I found this picture of a quad in University of Pennsylvania and thought it was stunning.

As I was researching, I found out that this is only Ivy League college that offers an undergraduate degree in Criminology. The acceptance rate to this university is 16%, so I better not get my hopes up too high. If you are interested in getting a criminal justice degree, go to the following website to see more colleges:
In the following weeks, I will go into more detail about the various colleges to go to, and what you do in order to get a criminal justice degree. Now, let’s get out there and make this world a better, safer place!



  1. Matt, can I join your criminal justice league? The justice league turned me down. I don't have any superpowers but I have skills I learned in the mountains. I think I can really help. Let me know if I can. #justicedoesntdiscriminate #whereisDent? Sincerely,Batman

  2. no you cannnot because if the justice league turned you down you must be someone lame like aquaman, who has all the powers of spongebob

  3. Matt and Batman,
    I am clearly the best person to join the criminal justice league. I as well don't have any powers but I am pshycopathic murder who dresses like a clown. I am chaos. So obviously I should join the C.J.L. and to Batman, I am coming for you and I know where you live. #chaos #wannaknowhowigotthesescars?
    Sincerely, The Joker
